Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Chris Benoit

I was terribly shocked yesterday when I learned of this tragedy. How exactly does a person kill his wife on Friday and then wait until Saturday and kill his only child? Then he waits until Sunday or possibly even Monday to end his own life. What on Earth was going through his mind when he decided this was the course of action he should take? There are rumors circulating that he had gone into a "roid rage". If indeed he was on steroids, I could see where this could have been why he killed his wife, he may have not even meant to do that. But this doesn't explain why he killed his own child. I can't imagine what was going through that little boys mind as his own father smothered him to death. What happens to a person that makes then even capable of murdering their family? If he was really that messed up and wanted to end his own life then why not just do that? If you are suicidal then go ahead. Personally, I think suicide is a very selfish why to solve your own problems but then again you really have to be a messed up individual to even be able to kill yourself; I don't think a sane person could do it. For me, this just leaves so many unanswered questions. I just don't know how a person gets into that dark of a place within their own mind to be capable of these things.

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